Bintan Real Property & Developer
Bintan Island
Foreign Investment guide, Bintan Island
Step by step procedure
To be able to invest their money in Indonesia, first of all, investors should register themselves and establish a legal entity that will run the investment activities. Although there is no difference in providing facilities to Domestic Investment (PMDN-Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri) and Foreign Investment (PMA-Penanaman Modal Asing), the registration procedures for Domestic Investment are different from those for Foreign Investment.
Step 5
Obtaining Investment Facility
The Indonesian Government has the policy concerning the granting of fiscal facility to investment activity conducted in Indonesia that the business area is able obtain fiscal facility. Fiscal Facility includes :
1) Facility of import duty on machine import
2) Facility of import duty on goods and materials import
3) Suggestion for obtaining Income Tax (PPh) Facility for a corporation.
For obtaining this fiscal facility, the investor should have a Principle License issued by BKPM obtained at the operational permit arrangement step.
Is Your Business Type Eligible To Obtain Facilities ?
Obtaining Investment Facility |
In order to get fiscal facility, investor must possess Investment Approval in Principle issued by BKPM in operating permit administrative stage.
1. Import Identification Number-Producer (API-P)
Import Identification Number-Producer (API-P) is a required permit to import equipment/machinery and materials for own usage in investment production business that is prohibited for sale. API-P is also required by investor in registration procedure to obtain imported capital goods and raw materials facilities.
Obtaining Import Identification Number-Producer API-P |
Relevant Regulation |
Procedure |
Import Identification Number-Producer (API-P) is obtained by submitting an application to BKPM through the Integrated Service Office (PTSP). |
• Law of Investment • Presidential Regulation No.27 - 2009 • Head of BKPM Regulation No. 12 - 2009 • Ministerial of Trade Decree No. 45/M-DAG/PER/9/2009 |
Requirement |
Time |
5 work days |
Fee |
- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
2. Customs Declaration/Permit (SP Pabean)
Customs Declaration is granted as a master list of goods/materials imported by investor that is obtaining customs import facility. Customs Declaration is only issued for investment business which requires specific facility. Customs Declaration acts as reference to acquire exemptions from import duties and income taxes. It is valid for a maximum of 5 years.
Customs Declaration consists of the followings:
1. Customs Declaration of Capital Goods (SP Pabean Barang Modal)
Obtaining Customs Declaration of Capital Goods |
Relevant Regulation |
Procedure |
Customs Declaration on Capital Goods is obtained by submitting an application to Directorate for Investment Facility at BKPM and completing all requirements. |
• Law of Investment • Government Regulation No. 62 - 2008 • Head of BKPM Regulation No. 12 - 2009 • Ministry of Finance Regulation No. 176 - 2009 |
Requirement |
Time |
7 work days |
Fee |
- _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
2. Customs Declaration of Goods & Materials (SP Pabean Barang & Bahan)
Obtaining Customs Declaration of Goods & Materials |
Relevant Regulation |
Procedure |
Customs Declaration of Capital Goods is obtained after submitting an application to Directorate for Investment Facility at BKPM and completing all requirements. |
• Law of Investment • Government Regulation No. 62 - 2008 • Head of BKPM Regulation No. 12 - 2009 • Ministry of Finance Regulation No. 176 - 2009 |
Requirement |
Time |
7 work days |
Fee |
- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
3. Certificate of Added Value Tax Exemption (SKB PPN)
Certificate of Added Value Tax Exemption (SKB PPN) is imposed on goods/materials imported by investor. It is included in Import Duty Exemption (SP Pabean) Master List which has been obtained by investor.
Obtaining Certificate of Added Value Tax Exemption (SKB PPN) |
Relevant Regulation |
Prosedur |
Obtaining Certificate of Added Value Tax Exemption (SKB PPN) is initiated by submitting a letter of application of Added Value Tax Exempt in conjunction with Import Duty Exemption (SP Pabean) to Directorate for Investment Facility at BKPM. It is then forwarded to Tax Service Office where goods will be removed to get the Certificate of Added Value Tax Exemption (SKB PPN) for imported goods. |
• Law of Investment • Government Regulation No. 62 - 2008 • Head of BKPM Regulation No. 12 - 2009 • Ministry of Finance Regulation No. 176 - 2009 |
Persyaratan |
Waktu |
7 work days (concur with Customs Declaration) |
Biaya |
- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
4. Certificate of Approval of Income Tax Facility (SP Fasilitas PPh)
Certificate of Approval of Income Tax Facility (SP Fasilitas PPh) is an approval of income tax deduction for taxable goods/materials required for investment business activity. Income tax deduction facility is bestowed to goods/materials stated in master list submitted by investor. Income tax is deducted to 2,5% from the initial income tax tariff of 7,5%. There are five (5) categories of income tax deduction available.
Obtaining Certificate of Approval of Income Tax Facility (SP Fasilitas PPh) |
Relevant Regulation |
Procedure |
Application for Certificate of Approval of Income Tax Facility (SP Fasilitas PPh) may be submitted to Directorate for Investment Facility at BKPM and completing all requirements. |
• Law of Investment • Government Regulation No. 62 - 2008 • Head of BKPM Regulation No. 12 - 2009 |
Requirement |
Time |
10 work days |
Fee |
- _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
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